वंशानुक्रम एवं वातावरण का प्रभाव-
वंशानुक्रम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है वंश और अनुक्रम जहां वंश का अर्थ होता है कि पैतृक गुण और कर्म का अर्थ होता है पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी । इस प्रकार यह कहा जा सकता है की किसी भी व्यक्ति में पैतृक गुण पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी हस्तांतरित होते रहते हैं इसमें बालक के कद आकृति बुद्ध चरित्र आदि को भी वंशानुक्रम संबंधी विशेषता प्रभावित करती है ।
अर्थात यह कहा जा सकता है कि बालक के विकास को वंशानुक्रम प्रभावित करते हैं
बालक का विकास वंशानुक्रम से उपलब्ध गुण एवं क्षमताओं पर निर्भर रहता है गर्भधारण करने के बाद ही बालक में पैतृक कोशो का विकास होना शुरू हो जाता है तथा यहीं से बालक की बुद्धि एवं विकास की सीमाएं सुनिश्चित हो जाती हैं यह पैैृतृृक गुण पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी हस्तांतरित होते रहते हैं इसमें बालक की लंबाई आकृति बुद्धि चरित्र आदि को भी वंशानुक्रम संबंधी विशेषताएंंंं प्रभावित करती हैं । अनुसंधान के आधार पर देखा गया है कि चरित्रहीन माता-पिता के बच्चो चरित्रहीन ही होते हैं।
वातावरण-वातावरण को ही पर्यावरण भी कहते हैं।
हमारे आस-पास का वातावरण, जिसमेें सभी प्रकार के जीव, नदी, तालाब, पहाड़ तथा पेड़-पौधे आते है और जिसमें सभी जीवधारी जीवित रहते हैं, वह पर्यावरण कहलाता है ।
परंतु बाल विकास एवं शिक्षाशास्त्र में वातावरण का अर्थ उसके अगल बगल के माहौल से लिया जाता है जैसे उसके पड़ोसी पड़ोसी किस तरह के लोग हैं वह जहां पर रह रहा है वहां पर शिक्षा का स्तर कैसा है आदि बातों पर निर्भर करता है अर्थात यह कहा जा सकता है ।
अर्थात यह कहा जा सकता है कि वातावरण भी बालक के विकास को प्रभावित करने वाला तत्व है वातावरण के फल स्वरुप व्यक्ति में अनेक विशेषताओं का विकास होता है शैशवावस्था से ही वातावरण बालक को प्रभावित करने लगता है कि जीवन दर्शन एवं शैली का स्वरूप विद्यालय समाज पड़ोस तथा परिवार के प्रभाव को परिणाम स्वरूप ही स्पष्ट होता है।
Effect of inheritance and environment-
Inheritance is made up of two words, descent and sequence where descent means ancestral quality and karma means generation after generation. Thus, it can be said that the ancestral qualities are transferred from generation to generation in any person, in which the height of the child, Buddha character etc. also affects the inheritance characteristic.
That is, heredity affects the development of the child.
The development of the child depends on the qualities and abilities available by inheritance, only after conception, the parental cells begin to develop and from here the boundaries of the child's intelligence and development are ensured. In this, hereditary characteristics also affect the length, shape, intellect, character of the child. Based on research, it has been observed that children of characterless parents are characterless.
The environment is also called environment.
The environment around us, in which all kinds of animals, rivers, ponds, mountains and plants come and in which all living organisms live, is called environment.
But in child development and pedagogy, the meaning of the atmosphere is taken from the environment next to it, like what kind of people are its neighbors, where it is living depends on how the level of education is there, that is to say. Can.
That is, it can be said that the environment is also an element affecting the development of the child, as a result of the environment, many characteristics are developed in the person, from childhood, the environment starts affecting the child that the nature of life philosophy and style of the school society neighborhood And the effect of family is evident only as a result.
Effect of inheritance and environment-
Inheritance is made up of two words, descent and sequence where descent means ancestral quality and karma means generation after generation. Thus, it can be said that the ancestral qualities are transferred from generation to generation in any person, in which the height of the child, Buddha character etc. also affects the inheritance characteristic.
That is, heredity affects the development of the child.
The development of the child depends on the qualities and abilities available by inheritance, only after conception, the parental cells begin to develop and from here the boundaries of the child's intelligence and development are ensured. In this, hereditary characteristics also affect the length, shape, intellect, character of the child. Based on research, it has been observed that children of characterless parents are characterless.
The environment is also called environment.
The environment around us, in which all kinds of animals, rivers, ponds, mountains and plants come and in which all living organisms live, is called environment.
But in child development and pedagogy, the meaning of the atmosphere is taken from the environment next to it, like what kind of people are its neighbors, where it is living depends on how the level of education is there, that is to say. Can.
That is, it can be said that the environment is also an element affecting the development of the child, as a result of the environment, many characteristics are developed in the person, from childhood, the environment starts affecting the child that the nature of life philosophy and style of the school society neighborhood And the effect of family is evident only as a result.
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